
Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of La Grange, where you will be greeted with warm smiles, generous hospitality and the spirit of God's love and grace.  All are welcome!








If you are interested in more information, please contact the church office.


Congregational Meeting

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday September 15, to vote on the withdrawal from PCUSA, join ECO and agree to the financial settlement approved by Session.  Please join your church family immediately after the Worship Service for this important meeting.

Women's Bible Study

As summer comes to an end and the children are back in school, we will be picking up our Women's Bible Study.  We have a slightly varying schedule for September and October and will get back to our regular 1st and 3rd Thursday in November.  All meetings will begin at 10:15am.

We are studying "Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible"  by John McArthur, which can be found on Amazon or Be sure to order the one for $10.49 with the study guide included.  We will not need the workbook..

On September 12 we will start with "Eve: Mother of All Living" led by Norma Smith, hoping you have the opportunity to read ahead. 

Second September meeting will be on September 19, followed by October 10 and October 24.

Hope to see you there.  We have a great discussion! 

  September 2024  
Verse of the Day