


In accordance with our Reformed beliefs, Baptism is a Sacrament of the Church. It is the visible sign of God’s call and claim on our lives. It is the fundamental source of membership in the church and it unites us with the people of God.


  • We believe that God pours out the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon each Christian in Baptism, and all are called to use these gifts for the glory of God.
  • We believe that baptizing children bears witness to the truth that God’s love claims us even before we’re able to respond in faith. And we believe that when Baptism accompanies a profession of faith it bears witness to the truth that God’s grace is leading us in faithful response.
  • We believe in one Baptism, using the triune formula found in Matthew’s gospel: Go out into  all the world, making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We honor and accept those Baptisms performed in other denominations and other churches and do not rebaptize those seeking membership in the church.


Our church leadership, the Session, approves those seeking Baptism for themselves or for their children. The pastor administers the sacrament, and the congregation makes promises to nurture and guide the faith formation of the baptized. When a young child is presented for Baptism at least one parent or person exercising parental responsibility should be an active member of a Christian church, normally the congregation in which the baptism takes place.


If you are seeking a community of faith in which to be baptized, or in which to have a child baptized, please be in contact with the church office.