July 14, 2024
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Delivered By
Preacher Mike Austin
Delivered On
July 14, 2024
Central Passage
Ephesians 1:3-14

God has given us an inheritance as His children. We are part of His will, and one day we will receive Heaven! For now, though, we are promised that God will make us part of His will, and we recognize that we have a purpose to live out. God wants all people to know Him and be in His family .

Preacher Mike Austin was raised in the Disciples of Christ church and was active as a youth leader at Woodland Christian Church in Lexington, KY. He and his wife Kay raised their three children at Hyde Park Christian in Austin, where he served as a Deacon and Elder and was trained as a Bethel Bible instructor. He and Kay joined Covenant Presbyterian Church in Austin 16 years ago when Kay became the assistant to Jill Williams, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care (Kay retired three years ago). Mike is an ordained Presbyterian Deacon and has served a total of nine years as an active Deacon, including one year as Vice-Moderator and two years as Moderator of the Diaconate. In March of 2015, he received a Certificate in Ministry from the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He has been a supply preacher for congregations around Central Texas for nine years.