June 23, 2024
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Delivered By
Rev. Bill Heston
Delivered On
June 23, 2024
Central Passage
Mark 4:26-20
Extradordinary Grace: For ordinary People in not so ordinary Times

In Mark 4: 26-29, we read a parable of growth. The story is about a farmer who plants seeds and can do nothing about the growth until harvest time. This story shows that once the seed of the word of God is sown, only time will show how a person's faith will grow and develop.

Rev. Bill Heston (ECO) is a San Antonio native currently living in Cypress, Texas.  Rev. Bill graduated from Howard Payne University, Southwestern Baptist Seminary and Austin Presbyterian Seminary.  He recently retired as the Pastor of FPC Houston.  He married Angie in 1976 and has three married children, ten grandchildren and three grand dogs.