June 30, ,2024
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Delivered By
Rev. Bill Druary
Delivered On
June 30, 2024
Central Passage
Psalm 119:97
Loving the Bible

Verse 97 begins with a shout of love for the Word. “O how I love Your law!” The closing phrase of this verse proves that he is telling the truth. “It is my meditation all the day.” Note the writer says – He loves God's Word and shamelessly proclaimed it. He and We should love it for its truth

Rev. Dick Druary.  This Sunday we welcome Rev. Dick Druary, who comes to us from EPC.  He is currently filling pulpits in several area churches and is working part-time with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.  Rev. Druary has served as a pastor in churches from Houston to Hollywood, CA to Montgomery, AL and has served 15 years as the Director of the Star of Hope Mission where he led a staff of 30 people ministering to Houston’s homeless population. He graduated from Austin College, Columbia Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary. He is blissfully married to Ann and the proud father of two, grandfather of four exceptional grandchildren.