Music is a vital and vibrant part of worship at First Presbyterian Church of La Grange. We use music as a means for deepening our connection to scripture and to God and believe that music and singing help root us in faith.
We currently have two choirs serving to assist us in this music ministry. The Chancel Choir, our vocal choir, performs regularly for morning worship. The Chancel Choir's repertoire includes classical church hymns, Southern Gospel music, contemporary Praise & Worship anthems, and more. The Chancel Choir rehearses every Wednesday evenings from 5:30 until 6:30pm.
The Chimes Choir, our newest choir, performs once a month and also offers a variety of musical styles and genres to enrich morning worship. The Chimes Choir rehearses two Wednesdays each month from 5:00pm until 5:30pm. Those interested in joining this growing music ministry are welcome!
Periodically, First Presbyterian Church invites and welcomes solo musicians (instrumentalists, vocalists, etc.) to participate with us.
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, December 19: Cantata Sunday
The Chancel Choir will present the cantata ComeThou Long-Expected Jesus by Dave Clark on Sunday, December 19th, during morning worship. This Christmas musical combines old Christmas favorites, new worship-filled songs, and Christmas melodies that are sure to speak to everyone. According to Lillenas Publishing, "ComeThou Long-Expected Jesus envelopes us with the jubilation of a Savoir come to Earth, wrapped in swaddling clothes". Make plans to worship with us and hear the story of the great news- Emmanuel has come!
Friday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candle Light Service