Worship Services October 31, 2021
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Delivered By
Rev. Martha Langford
Delivered On
October 31, 2021
Central Passage
Ruth 1:1-18
Family Affections
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Family Affections
Text:  Ruth 1:1-18
Family Affections
Preacher: Rev. Martha Langford

PASTOR'S PREVIEW: This week we begin a three-week series on the story of Ruth. In an uncertain time, Ruth speaks words of devotion and promise to her mother-in-law Naomi. After the death of her husband and sons, Naomi has no security to offer her daughter-in-law; yet, Ruth will not be separated from her. She willingly takes on Naomi's plight in a move of radical solidarity and love. With her vow, she pledges that the two women will face the unknown future together. This story is a beautiful foreshadowing of the radical solidarity and love of God in Jesus Christ and it invites us to remember the covenants we make to journey together.